In terms of global output, Subaru Corporation, a Japanese transportation corporation, was the world's twenty-first-largest manufacturer in 2017. Most Subaru automobiles with engines larger than 1,500 cc are recognized for using a boxer engine configuration.

Subaru automobiles have historically attracted a small but committed core of customers in Western regions. The firm markets to people who want its recognizable drivetrain and engine, all-wheel drive and off-road capabilities, or reasonably priced sports car designs.
Subaru is the Japanese name for the Pleiades star cluster M45, or the "Seven Sisters" (one of whom legend claims is invisible – therefore only six stars in the Subaru emblem), which in turn influences the design and references to the firms that joined to establish FHI.
Chikuhei Nakajima founded Fuji Heavy Industries in 1915 as the Aircraft Research Laboratory. The business was restructured in 1932 to become Nakajima Aircraft Company, Ltd, and it quickly rose to prominence as a significant aircraft producer for Japan during World War II. Nakajima Aircraft underwent another reorganization following the Second World War; this time, it became Fuji Sangyo Co, Ltd. Using leftover aviation components from the war, the business produced the motor scooter known as the Fuji Rabbit in 1946. The Corporate Credit Rearrangement Act, a piece of anti-zaibatsu legislation passed by the Japanese government in 1950, required the division of Fuji Sangyo into 12 smaller firms. In order to become Fuji Heavy Industries, five of these firms as well as a recently established corporation opted to join between 1953 and 1955.
These businesses included the scooter producer Fuji Kogyo, the coachbuilder Fuji Jidosha, the engine manufacturer Omiya Fuji Kogyo, the chassis building Utsunomiya Sharyo, and the trade firm Tokyo Fuji Sangyo.
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